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  • Culture
  • Cultural Wonders
  • Natural Wonders
  • Food

    • — Discover the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu and the colonial cities of Cuzco and Arequipa — Have the option to walk the classic Inca Trail at no extra cost — Spend two nights deep in the Amazon — Visit the traditional island communities of Lake Titicaca — See beautiful Arequipa plus Colca Canyon and its condors
  • 1

    Start Lima

    Welcome to Lima, the busy capital of Peru. There’s plenty of adventure on your trip, but today’s all about settling into the hotel. You are met at the airport and transferred to our hotel in the Miraflores district. There is a notice board in the hotel reception with details of where and when the group welcome briefing will be held. Accommodation: Hotel El Tambo 1 (or similar)

  • 2

    Free morning; afternoon city tour

    This morning has been left free; in the afternoon, we have a tour of Lima. We visit Miraflores, the modern residential district, and then explore the historic downtown area. We discover the Plaza de Armas, Basilica Cathedral and Government Palace (also known as House of Pizarro) as we take a short walk around the colonial centre. We also visit the incredible Church of San Francisco, which houses one of the oldest libraries in the Americas and sits on top of a labyrinthine network of catacombs complete with the bones of Lima’s wealthy 18th- and 19th-century residents. This evening, perhaps visit the bohemian district of Barranco for local food and pisco sours, the national cocktail of Peru. Accommodation: Hotel El Tambo 1 (or similar)

  • 3

    Drive to Paracas, visiting Pachacamac and Pucusana

    We drive south from Lima today, visiting Pachacamac Fortress, the largest coastal Inca city at the time of the conquest. We stop for a late lunch of fresh seafood at the attractive fishing village of Pucusana. A stroll around the village, where the day’s catch is displayed at the market, and a boat ride around the bay (subject to weather conditions) offer great insight into a contemporary Peruvian coastal town. We then continue southwards to the town of Paracas, where we spend the night. Accommodation: Hotel Gran Palma (or similar)

  • 4

    Sail to Ballestas Islands; continue to Nazca via Ica

    A short drive from our hotel takes us to the port, where we board our launch to visit the Ballestas Islands, a national park containing the highest concentration of marine birds in the world. There are also sea lions and numerous bird species on the islands and we also see the Paracas Candelabra, a curious pre-Inca design on the cliff face, only recognisable from the sea. We drive to Nazca in the afternoon and visit viewing platforms close to the Nazca Lines. These are one of the world’s great archaeological mysteries: enormous figures and patterns etched in the desert sand, best seen from the elevated position of the viewing platforms. There should also be time for optional visits to the nearby Antonini Archaeological Museum, a pre-Inca cemetery, or the Nazca Aqueduct, which gives an insight into the Nazca civilisation’s ingenious subterranean irrigation system. Accommodation: Hotel Alegria (or similar)

  • 5

    Drive along the coast then turn inland to Arequipa

    We have a long drive south through the coastal desert, with great views of dunes and the Pacific Ocean, before heading inland into the mountains on the road to Arequipa. Our drive is approximately 12 hours, including time for lunch and stops to stretch our legs. Accommodation: Su Majestad (or similar)

  • 6

    Arequipa city tour, including Santa Catalina Convent

    Arequipa is a beautiful colonial city in a fertile oasis, with many historic buildings characterised by their use of white volcanic stone from the nearby Misti, whose dramatic cone dominates the town. In the morning, we visit the cathedral, the Jesuit church of La Compañia and the huge, serene convent of Santa Catalina, which retains typical features from the 16th and 17th centuries and is a peaceful refuge for the nuns who still live here today. Accommodation: Su Majestad (or similar)

  • 7

    Drive to Colca Canyon

    A spectacular drive takes us to the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world. On the way, we pass volcanoes and almost certainly see vicuñas in the highlands before we cross the Patapampa Pass (16,110ft/4,910m), which marks the descent into the canyon itself. As we take the winding road to the town of Chivay, the sight of the green, fertile terraces of the canyon is a real contrast to the barren yet beautiful landscapes we have travelled through for most of the day. This is the first day where we may feel the effects of altitude – although we do not linger at the top of the pass, we spend the night at around 11,810ft (3,600m) and so it is a good idea to take it easy on arrival. Accommodation: Hotel Pozo del Cielo, Chivay (or similar)

  • 8

    To Colca Canyon; explore and search for condors

    We have a full day exploring the Colca Canyon, starting with a visit to the Cruz del Condor, the best place to see mighty Andean condors as they glide on the morning thermals. We also see the ancient tombs that line the cliffs on one side of the canyon and stop in the villages along the way, which house several interesting colonial churches. Depending on time, we may take a short walk along farm tracks to learn more about the agriculture on which the whole region is dependent. After a long day of exploration, an optional visit to the hot springs near Chivay this evening is a wonderful way to relax. Accommodation: Hotel Pozo del Cielo, Chivay (or similar)

  • 9

    Drive via Sillustani to Puno, by Lake Titicaca

    Today, we drive through the mountains to Puno on the shores of Lake Titicaca. En route, we can see vicuñas before making a short visit to the unique burial towers (chullpas) of Sillustani. The altitude here (12,470ft/3,800m) makes physical effort very tiring, and the evenings are very cold, so taking time to rest is highly recommended. Accommodation: Casona Plaza Hotel (or similar)

  • 10

    Full-day Lake Titicaca tour (Uros and Taquile islands)

    We spend a full day on Lake Titicaca today visiting the floating islands of Uros and Taquile. First, we take a boat to Uros, where the people have been living on reed rafts for centuries. Although many have now moved to the mainland, there are still a couple of thousand who remain on the islands anchored close to Puno. A reasonable amount of their income is now provided by strictly regulated tourism, but they also fish the lake and barter with mainland communities to obtain essential daily items. Our cruise continues as we visit picturesque Taquile Island, home to a community known for their male-only weavers and traditional lifestyle. Our walk to the village affords us panoramic views of the lake, and it is often possible to see the snow-capped peaks of the Cordillera Real in the distance Accommodation: Casona Plaza Hotel (or similar)

  • 11

    Drive across the altiplano to Cuzco

    We take a bus ride across the altiplano, the high plains separating the Andes from the jungles. Although it is quite a long drive (approximately 10 hours), it is often spectacular. There are scheduled stops at interesting sites to break up the day and appreciate the immensity of the Andean landscapes. These include La Raya Pass (14,150ft/4,313m), the watershed and geographical dividing line between the altiplano and the Vilcanota Valley where Raqchi Inca temple is located. We arrive in Cuzco (11,155ft/3,400m) in the evening. Accommodation: Hotel Casa Andina Koricancha (or similar)

  • 12

    Morning stand-up paddleboarding; afternoon cooking class

    This morning, we travel to nearby Piuray Lagoon, where we spend the morning paddleboarding while surrounded by a stunning scenery of mountains and terraced fields. In the afternoon, we enjoy a cooking class, learning all about different plants and herbs used in Peruvian cooking and how to prepare traditional food and drink. After our lesson, we have time to enjoy the well-deserved dinner we’ve prepared ourselves. Meals included: Breakfast, Dinner Accommodation: Casa Andina Koricancha (or similar)

  • 13

    Free day in Cuzco for optional activities

    Today has been left free for exploring Cuzco, one of the most beautiful cities in South America. The Plaza de Armas is a fantastic spot for people-watching. The Mercado San Pedro is the place to try local produce and there are many handicraft markets to shop for souvenirs such as alpaca jumpers and scarves. If you fancy something more active, there is an array of other optional activities available from Cuzco including mountain biking or a combination of via ferrata and zip-lining in the Sacred Valley. Meals included: Breakfast Accommodation: Casa Andina Koricancha (or similar)

  • 14

    Visit Pisac market and Inca ruins in the Sacred Valley

    This morning, we head out of Cuzco to the colourful handicraft market at Pisac, at the entrance to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. After free time to browse the stalls, we take a walking tour of the huge Inca ruins above the village. We enjoy a traditional pachamanca lunch today, whereby the food is wrapped and buried in the earth along with hot stones, which cook it slowly. After lunch, we drive down the valley to Ollantaytambo, where we visit the immense Inca fortress and explore the unique village whose streets still follow the pre-conquest grid plan. Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch Accommodation: Tunupa Lodge (or similar)

  • 15

    Free morning in Ollantaytambo and then travel to Aguas Calientes

    We have a free morning to explore Ollantaytambo and then make the scenic train journey through the Urubamba River Valley to Aguas Calientes (approximately 1hr 30min), arriving in the afternoon. The rest of the day has been left free to explore at your own leisure. Aguas Calientes is a bustling town with a large handicraft market (although prices here are at a premium in comparison to Pisac or Cuzco markets). Meals included: Breakfast Accommodation: Terraza de Luna (or similar)

  • 16

    Guided tour of Machu Picchu; return to Cuzco by train and road

    Well-rested and refreshed, we return to Machu Picchu this morning for our guided tour. Machu Picchu is an architectural and engineering marvel, the staggering mountain backdrop making it even more dramatic. The Spaniards never found it, the Incas left no records of it, and so Machu Picchu remained an enigma, a city lost for centuries in the jungle until it was rediscovered in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham. Your guided tour highlights the history, culture, architecture and mysteries that Machu Picchu still holds today. This afternoon, we catch the train back to Ollantaytambo (1hr 30min) and continue by private bus to Cuzco (1hr 30min). Accommodation: Hotel Casa Andina Koricancha (or similar) Meals included: Breakfast

  • 17

    Tour of Cuzco and Inca fortress of Sacsayhuaman

    We have a full-day tour combining the highlights in and around the city. Outside the town are Inca ruins, notably the fortress of Sacsayhuaman where the Inca armies made their last stand against the Conquistadores. In the centre, we visit the Plaza de Armas, and many examples of the famous Inca stonework like those of the Qoricancha Sun Temple in the Santo Domingo church and monastery. Accommodation: Hotel Casa Andina Koricancha (or similar)

  • 18

    Fly to Puerto Maldonado; travel by boat into rainforest; afternoon jungle walk

    We leave Cuzco early today as we take a short flight to the small rainforest town of Puerto Maldonado (due to poor flight availability, this flight will connect through Lima and be considerably longer on some departures). On arrival, we transfer to the dock for a boat trip to our lodge in the Tambopata Reserve – this journey takes between 1hr 30min and three hours depending on which lodge we stay in. On the way, we may see caimans, river turtles and waterfowl. After time to settle in, we take a short walk along the forest trails near the lodge to look for nocturnal animals. Accommodation: Cayman Lodge Amazonia (or similar)

  • 19

    Jungle exploration by boat and on foot

    Activities today vary according to the lodge used but generally include a mixture of walks along forest trails, time spent in canoes to explore rainforest lakes, and the opportunity to go high into the canopy for a completely different view of the forest. The resident guides are normally around in the evening to answer questions and from some lodges (not all) there is the option to take a canoe onto the river in search of caiman by torchlight. Accommodation: Cayman Lodge Amazonia (or similar)

  • 20

    Fly to Lima; end Lima

    We return to Puerto Maldonado after breakfast today and board our flight back to Lima. If booking an onwards flight from Lima today, please ensure it does not depart before 7pm. You can also speak to your sales representative about extending your stay in Lima.

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